Wednesday, July 04, 2007
About Me
- Name: joe
I live in Venice California. I'm bored by my favorite color, but my favorite smell is the beach at sunset. I usually don't shave my face, but maybe I'll start doing it more often this year. I like to walk. I like the way the mountains look from the beach in the morning after it's rained. I don't approve of killing people. I did not vote for George Bush (either of 'em, either time). I think it's better to resolve a conflict than it is to ignore it or escalate it. I believe that there is such a thing as Beauty and that it is all around us, whether we recognize it or not. I do my best to recognize it. I believe that Life is fair. I believe that transitions are important, and that effort spent smoothing transitions is worthwhile. I enjoy waking up slowly. It's worth getting an early start on it, just to be able to take my time. I believe that things done with love cannot be wrong.
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