well, I didn't get much of anything done today, but I had fun. ended up going for a drink with aliza late last night over at the other room, which wasn't as obnoxiously crowded as I would've feared for a saturday night. she called this morning, just as I was thinking about waking up and we decided to meet at the coffeeshop. so, I walked over there, found michelle and met a guy named julien, who later sent me a nice email after checking out my website. aliza arrived, she michelle and I all talked for awhile, shayne came in and talked fashion with the girls.
aliza and I then headed off to the venice pier to shoot video. on the way we stopped at ananda to browse. I really had to pee, so I went ahead to my place, while she shopped. once relieved, I doubled back and found her trying on clothes, she ended up buying two skirts and two tops, all looked good on her. then we swung back by my place, dropped her shopping off and walked through the canals to the pier. we shot some fishermen fishing, some kids playing and eating, and an icecream man selling la paletas (sp?). I think leez got some footage of a fella yellow-highlighting most of his already well highlit bible.
then we spent awhile layin' around on the beach talking and tanning (while aliza intermittently text-messaged her friend alexis in ny). we stopped off at gotta have it to pee and check the state of my office, which is still a mess. talked with eddy and met his friends, he said it had been a painfully slow day, but he was dealin'. then back to my place to pick up aliza's stuff and then over to her place where she fed me a pita sandwich and olives (oh, I forgot to mention the pineapple popsicle (paletas) she bought me on the pier, 'leeza was feedin' me well today) and then we laid around in her room and watched a dvd on her computer___ the kid stays in the picture (about robert evans, it was pretty good).
now I'm back here, got online, made a chess move, a jamble move and a scrabble move, answered a couple emails briefly and typed this. bryce and dan just called___ back from their weekend at the cabin with scotty. I think I'm gonna make a little sumpin for a snack and go to bed... ahhh tomorrow begins another week of unemployment! I've got it sooo good! i love my life. tomorrow I will get to the 2001 paintings and maybe even emily's prints... gotta get up to staples to buy paper for that, but I've gotta go to the bank anyway so it all works... gotta call vic and get my paycheck too.
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