Sunday, July 09, 2006

zoo with monica and celeste

the paintings have been kickin' my ass a bit this week, I'm tryin' to narrow the focus of the theme, realizing that simply doing a series exploring violence is a bit too broad a topic. I've spent a fair amount of time researching and organizing with the intent of developing some sort of clarification - but it's been hard work... or maybe not hard, so much as slow going. I'd much rather just jump into the painting, but without a defined goal, I find myself a little aimless with the work. on the other hand, the several canvasses that I have been working on are coming together nicely and i'm pleased with the results (I'll link to them from here when I get them up on the website), but for my own peace of mind, I need to figure out where I'm going with them before I get too much further along.

today was a welcome and much needed break from the work. went to breakfast at frisch's big boy with monica and celeste and from there went to the zoo. here are some photos.


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