nothing much goin’ on, laid around in the hammock reading a tom robbins book (villa incognito) it’s not bad, but sorta the same old stuff. I think it just doesn’t quite live up to the captain corelli quality. but it’s fun to read and he is pretty clever, and what else have I really got to do?
the thing is, that for the past few years I’ve really been trying to live the life that I felt like I ought to be living, and I liked it, and a lot of the life overlaps with the kind of life I’d choose to live, but I think that by the time I get back from Guatemala I’ll be able to fully live my life again. it feels good to simply know what I want to do from moment to moment, and have the freedom to act on my choices.
domingo, 16 abril

I finished villa incognito and then got back to work on studying/reviewing Spanish, which I’ve kinda been neglecting this week. d’noz, the bar/library where I’ve been borrowing the books I’ve been reading, is closed on sunday, as are the other places where books can be found, so if you finish reading one on a sunday, you’re pretty much out of luck until monday morning. just as well really, it’s good to have an excuse to get out of the hammock every once in awhile. I probably exaggerate the time spent lazing around reading, it is quite a bit, but I get out for a couple walks every day and spend a good amount of time mingling and exploring… nevertheless, the hammock is awfully nice.
as I was reading earlier (and it might have had something to do with the book more than the holiday, but the train of thought wasn’t clear, so who I can’t say) I was suddenly filled with an epiphanously elevating feeling, as I’d suddenly been absolved of and released from all guilt… the kind of guilt that you don’t even know that you’re carrying around until you notice its absence. it felt great, like I could do no wrong, like I was immune to life’s ills, like everything was ok, like maybe there was a savior that had actually died for my sins… so I guess this easter thing is an alright holiday afterall.
Cyril and Annette left yesterday and the new couple that took their room is from germany and not real personable… oh well, can’t win them all, and I’ve had pretty good luck with neighbors so far.
tonight I’ll head up to the allegre for the pub quiz, should be fun.
lunes, 17 abril

the town is quiet again, and probably no moreso than the first week, but after all the festivities from last week, things seem very tranquil. very few people on the street, not much noise, it’s very nice really.
the german couple left this morning and have been replaced by an equally uncommunicative guy. maybe he’ll open up a bit if he sticks around. Stephanie leaves tomorrow for Honduras, I hope whoever moves into her room is fun, but if not it’ll make moving on by the end of the week that much easier.
there’s an interesting balance that must be struck between seeing both sides of a situation and nevertheless being willing to choose an opinion… the trick is to enjoy the decision making process and not to take things too seriously. I guess it involves a willingness to be wrong too.
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