Saturday, August 19, 2006

Hermes and Argus

Refugees 1

Refugees 2

Jacob and Esau

Nick Berg 2

Assassination of Julius Caesar

Cain and Abel 4

These are this past weeks paintings. I've pretty much taken today off - had brunch at monica and jeff's and have been catching up on other stuff this afternoon. I've painted a bit, but am not really in the mind frame to make a go at the next painting; maybe tonight, but probably tomorrow. I've got an interesting start on the next one, but I'm not certain where to go, can't quite bring myself to dive in... we'll see.

I'd like to update the website with this new stuff tonight, but I'm not sure I feel motivated to do that either - it's awfully hot up here on the third floor. saturday night - hmmm, maybe I'll go downstairs for a beer.


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