These are the last of the first 42 paintings - 21 canvases painted front and back, roughly 36x48" each. I'm just past the halfway point in my stay here. I arrived June 23rd and plan to leave no later than the middle of October. The time has flown by so far, but I admit that realizing I still have almost the same amount of time ahead of me makes my return to venice seem a long way off. I'm sure I'll be back before any of us know it.
I'm not certain what these coming paintings will hold. I feel pretty well warmed up and ready to go with more paintings. at least some and probably most will stay with the violence themes, but I think I'll leave myself open to allowing for other themes to appear if they will. it'll be interesting to see (for me anyway) what happens.
check out the website to see the complete group so far.
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