january second already. today is sam's 14th and tomorrow will be my 43rd and a half. the past couple months have flown by in a flurry of hourly craigslist checks and apartment viewings and rental application out-fillings. everything else has been backburnered while I pursued the perfect - or really just an acceptable... well really just about any - apartment at all. I sampled a variety for awhile, but held to the west of lincoln requirement - but other than that I was pretty open. things are tight these days in venice-proper and the search wasn't easy. most people are trapped by the quickly risen prices over the past couple years, and can't afford to leave their rent-controlled apartments. very few studios and one bedrooms have been available and when they are they are pretty highly in demand. well, the studios in the apartment buildings down by the beach are usually available, but they're pretty small and not too appealing and I'm maybe a bit old for "right-by-the-beach these days. but not many other studios and the one bedrooms can be pretty pricey, so luckily for me, susan decided to move back from hawaii - and to make what is kind of a long story, short: we've got a place. but we have to wait until it opens up, so it looks like I'll be staying in sailene and jon's guesthouse for another month, which is pretty nice, and I'm awfully lucky to have it, and am determined to get my life started back up, despite my ongoing period of transition.
that said, I think I'm gonna put the art shows off until february, because I'm not ready with everything... I mean the paintings are pretty much done - definitely the big ones are - if you haven't seen them scroll down or check out the website -
www.joestanford.net you know - but I need to finish up the little paintings and do some drawing and writing and concluding, and I just haven't been getting to it... so there's that. now that the apartment search is over and even though I'm still unsettled, I think I'll be able to get back into the swing of things again... it is the new year and all... a time for new beginnings I think.