aliza'a mad at me and there's nothing I can do about it and that makes me sad... that's all I've got on that one.
On a happier note, nobody else seems mad at me, so that's good. the gotta have it stuff went pretty quickly today. I also had to pay some of denise's bills, which I just realized I forgot to mail, I'll have to remember to do it tomorrow. I also forgot to email denise photos she asked me to take of the store and her apartment, maybe I'll do that still tonight. I still haven't printed those things for emily or written my grandfather___ I've really got to stop procrastinating on those. The really cool thing today was that after I got home from taking the photos for denise I decided that as long as I had the camera out I'd try taking photos of some of my drawings from the other night. they came out pretty well, not great but good enough for the web and way easier than scanning them in six sections and then putting them back together in photoshop, which is what I've done before. most of the time anymore I draw on smaller paper just so I won't have to go through that process, but with the figure drawing it's nice to work bigger, especially since I've been using crayons and the width of line they make is more manageable on 18x24" paper. So I'm happy about the potential for adding figure drawings to my website___ there's a sample here and also I added one to tuesday night's entry, so you can scroll down for that one if you want.
I wish aliza wasn't mad at me.
I wish I could figure out how to reset my vcr clock, it hasn't worked since the power outage a few days ago. I've probably got more of a chance of getting that wish fulfilled than the first one which seems like it will take more time... if I get the clock working I'll be able to figure out how much time it takes... maybe.
I began listening to the audiobook of dh lawrence's women in love while I was working on the website today__ it's pretty good so far, I've never read it, although I might have to at some point, because I don't always pay close attention while the audiobook plays.
The photos of the drawings still take some cleaning up and optimizing to get them webready, but like I mentioned it's a lot easier than the other way___ although the image quality isn't as good, but that's the trade off.
talked with michelle on the phone for awhile and then talked with aliza briefly. michelle and I amused ourselves looking through potential partners on match.com; pretty slim pickins from the looks of it. the conversation with aliza was just sorta uncomfortable and distant.
I should eat dinner, but I'm not really too enthusiastic about it.
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