so, friday lucy called to say she was going to be in hollywood with her mom, so we'd do something saturday___ but maybe she'd be back out here, should she call? yes of course, call if you're back on this side of town I said... I did, but really didn't expect her. called michelle, told her lucy wasn't around, we went for a drink or two at the townhouse____ fun, hadn't been there in awhile. we started out with a couple beers at sixish at her place (actually she'd started earlier) so after our beers at townhouse, I was still home by 10ish, maybe 10:30, not late, but kinda drunk. lucy had left a message 8:30ish, wanting to go to dinner, but had already turned in by the time I returned her call. I made some mac&cheese out of a box and watched a movie, but can't quite remember what it was... hmmm, let me think... nope, can't remember.
next morning (saturday, you know) went to the coffeeshop with michelle. got home, missed aliza, called and left message asking if she was still mad at me. she called back a little while later and everything seemed forgiven and ok, so that made me happy and relieved. played phonetag with susan, finally talked a bit, I guess we had talked a little the day before____ didn't have a relaxed nice long conversation until last night (sunday), but I just want to declare here what a great friend she is and how much I appreciate her. you never know until it happens which friends are gonna survive through hard and easy, thick, thin and geographical distance, but susan's a part of me and my life no matter what, and I'm glad. just imagine how difficult long distance communication was even just a hundred years ago, let alone a couple hundred___ and now, it's so much easier to keep in touch than it was even ten years ago___ zip, I send an email and there it is. an email is not as good as a phonecall, and a phonecall is not as satisfying as being there, but they're all better than nothing, so I'll be appreciative of that.
saturday night, went to wabisabi with lucy, had a glass of wine at capri while we waited for our table, that was my favorite part I think. we had wine at my place before and after, so by 12:30 when lucy left I was a bit buzzed. aliza called just as I was going to bed, she'd been out at an art opening, and I guess just called to chat... maybe to let me know everything was back to normal... at least that's the way I chose to take it.
woke up sunday morning at ten 'til seven, peed and checked my email. I meant to turn on the heater and get back into bed for a bit, but forgot about the heater and next thing I knew it was two hours later and I was cozy under covers, and the apartment was still cold. michelle called and I stayed in bed talking with her for a half hour or so. while we talked, aliza called, so I called back (no call waiting remember) and we decided to breakfast. I went over there, she made eggs, salad, veggie sausage and had some raspberry bread she'd made the day before__ yum. then we looked on ebay for a car for her and then uploaded photos from her camera. we finally burned a disc with grace's piercing photos on it.
I think it was close to five when I got home. lucy was thinking we'd maybe have dinner, but she ended up being at her mom's 'til late and didn't call til around ten and by then, I'd already given up on her. I spoke with michelle a number of times between aliza's and after___ her car died in westwood early afternoon and she left it at a shop and is calling them today to have them put a new alternator in it. haven't talked to her yet, but will phone when I finish this typing. I posted the photos for grace so she could download them and then surfed blogs.
I really ought to get past just the chronicling of dull events, and write about what's on my mind, but for now, I think this is the best thing to do, even if it does make for pretty dull reading. I imagine myself in twenty years reading back and reminiscing and I look forward to it, in some strange sort of reverse nostalgic way.
I'm finished with the three sketchbooks, although I could transcribe the burlap text, I'm not really sure what the next step is after that. I suppose back to pocket notes... maybe I should sort those and only transcribe some of them... hmmm. one of the things that's been eating up some of my writing time is that I've been responding to other people's blogs... I guess there are worse vices... maybe I'll post some of them here, just to have them documented, so I don't have to keep the links around.
um,.. ah.. I guess I'll just ... um, well, I dunno... whoa, better slow down ... um... nice day ...
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