spent yesterday painting and doin' the work on the burlap sketchbook, definitely have been falling into a routine, but sometime this week I'll have these sketchbook images added to the website and then I'll be on to other projects. might've finished that first new burlap painting, or I might end up reworking it entirely, I'm gonna start some others so that I can get a little distance from it and reassess.
went to the coffeeshop at five, but just read, it was the first time in quite awhile that I was the only one to show up, although it didn't really surprise me because tim often misses fridays and the rest are unpredictable. it was crowded with strangers though and I didn't mind, it was nice to sit and read.
michelle had called right before I left and aliza called while I was there, so when I got home I called them both back and for awhile I thought we'd all go out for a drink, but aliza's still getting over her cold, so she never made it. michelle came over around 7:30 and we went up to the other room___ odd that that's become the bar of choice these days, but it does seem to be the best of the group I guess.
got home around 10:30 maybe, maybe not even that late, I know we stayed at the bar at least 'til 10, because michelle had told her roommate, chris that we'd be there 'til then and she felt obliged__ I was probably ready to leave at 9:30. I got home, talked with aliza on the phone and then started to watch the scooby doo movie, which I'd gotten from the library. it was pretty bad, I lost interest and went to sleep.
I woke up around 4, but didn't know what time it was because of the whole clock thing, so I turned on the computer to check. played a chesss move with lucy, who had gotten back from the mountains, read grace's journal__ she's back from catalina, and then went back to bed. dad called at 7:06 to thank me for the birthday book (howard zinn) that I'd sent. we talked awhile, then I got up, painted a bit and now am typing this. aliza called a couple minutes ago and we're gonna go to cafe 50's for breakfast after she takes a shower.
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