that freed me up to make phonecalls__ have i mentioned that my call waiting doesn't work anymore? hmmm. anyway, I hadn't wanted to use the phone since aliza had said she'd call when she woke up. so I called my dad, was really calling to wish mom a belated happy birthday, I had called early, and sent a gift, but her birthday fell in the middle of "no speak week" and so, I hadn't spoken with her since. still haven't because she was taking a nap when I called, but I had a nice talk with dad.
called and left a messsage for susan, which she returned while I was out last night. I'll email her today because I'm not sure what her roaming charges are like during the week___ it's free on weekends though. I'm hoping we can figure something out about hopi, and I'm anxious to hear how everything else is going too. lucy called somewhere around that same time, talked with her while she was driving back to sf from her weekend in chico, that was good, i get so used to just communicating with her online that actual voice communication seems special.
I went up to gotta have it, and picked up the leftover paperwork stuff that I hadn't yet done and also reprinted a few signatures for aliza's book, expanded the endpaper while I was at it. came home and worked on her book and ate lunch while watching a pretty mediocre movie I'd gotten from the library. aliza called to give me the updated plans for her birthday on wednesday. I called michelle and caught up on her day. felt like going for a beer, but she's in west hollywood still and that's too far. called anya and almost went for a beer with her, but her motivation crumbled after initial enthusiasm___ raincheck for later we're hoping. then aliza called and wanted me to go to a party with her, so I did that and then we went for a beer at the other room. got home not too late (9ish?) downloaded music on the computer for awhile and then dov stopped by___ that's why I didn't write this last night, I talked with him for awhile and by then it was 11ish and I decided to eat dinner and watch how to marry a millionaire on dvd (also from the library, of course). went to sleep around one, and slept soundly, been sleeping well lately. woke up 8:30ish and went straight up to gotta have it and finished the paperwork. glad that's done.
it's kind of a rainy dark day, I don't mind, but I can't really paint when it's like this.
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