came home in time for us to ride our bikes into santa monica, which is what I was hoping to do, but when I called, aliza didn't answer, so I called back and then went over and then came home and called back... she had fallen back asleep and we missed the 11am show, but finally made it to the one o'clock. the movie was good, called the squid and the whale. afterwards, we went shopping a bit along the promenade and stopped for falafel.
it was five by the time we got home. I worked on the computer a little, went over to the library, went back up to the shop and printed off the book I'm making for aliza's birthday and at long last, way overdue, the prints for emily___ I'll get those in the mail tomorrow__ no matter what. came home, tore down the sheets for aliza's book, scewed up on a couple of them and will have to reprint them today.
talked with michelle on the phone, she's still in west hollywood, dog sitting. watched it happened one night with clark gable and claudette colbert while I was tearing the paper for aliza's book and eating dinner. somehow it ended up being 1am by the time I went to sleep. slept like a rock and forced myself to get up and take a shower just before writing this.
hopi's doing fine and seems to have settled in to my place, which is both comforting and disturbing. she's a sweet little cat, but I really don't want a cat and can't have her here, I've got to find her a place before my landlord finds out and the longer it takes, the worse I'll feel... although, as quickly as she adjusted to living here, I'm sure she'll adjust somewhere else. although, she has known me all her life, I don't know whether that makes a difference with cats or not... It doesn't seeem like they have much of a long term memory, but you never know.
cut my hair yesterday, just took the scissors to it, might decide to use the clippers on it sometime soon, but I kinda like the choppiness.
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