briefly, my day was like this:
skipped the coffeeshop this morning because I'd decided to fast for yom kippur. transcribed some notes for the ramblings section of my website. talked briefly with aliza a couple times on the phone, she was looking for her orange "burton" baseball cap and thought I might have it. 12:30 went to meet grace to go get her belly button pierced, aliza came along and brought her camera to document the event. hung around on the grass by the beach for awhile after, stopped at a stand and aliza and grace bought $8 sunglasses. aliza left, grace and I waited for her mom to come pick her up.
once grace left, I came home and worked on the website until 5 and then decided to go over to the coffeeshop even if I was fasting, I figured I didn't really need to get anything, I could just go in and hang out, so I did that. aliza called just as I was leaving, so I didn't make it over there until 5:20 or so, tim said he thought maybe I wasn't coming, I was glad I did. I talked with tim and then with gary (I think that's his name, but I've got to check__ wasn't quite certain enough to use it when speaking with him today).
aliza called just as I got home to see if I wanted to go to jerry's, we'd done that last yom kippur and so now it's a tradition. I had potato pancakes, she had blintzes, we shared and then ordered shredded onion rings, for no real good reason___ they were interesting, but not as good as I'd hoped.
came home and I've already told the rest___ too tired for details tonight. too many things to be discreet about... gotta figure that one out, nobody really reads this anyway, but some stuff I guess is more my friends' business than mine, but as always there's overlap. for me, I just want a record that I can refer to later and remember__ oh that was the last night susan and brandon were in utah and see if that is enough to trigger the memory. or, aliza called to ask what I thought about...
hmmm, the transcriptions are too big of a job and I've got to figure out when I'm gonna have that show at terrell's. I've got to remember to get his email address from the office tomorrow, I don't have it here on this machine___ I wonder if I could find it online... hadn't thought about that until now.
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