back home I scanned a few more things and then spent the day optimizing the drawings that are mixed in with the notes that I've been transcribing in the ramblings section of my website. I think tomorrow I'm gonna try to make a drawing section for the ramblings because these things don't necessarily fit in with the annual sections. for examples, check out the inserted image with this and the past two posts. it's sort of a hodgepodge of notes, doodles, drawings and ideas.
talked with michelle a couple times on the phone, she's in west hollywood house/dog-sitting for a week. 60 inch tv and drawers full of dvd's, sounds like she'll stay busy. talked with aliza, her throats feeling ticklish and she was tired and on her way to bed, but off tomorrow for yom kippur... might come with me to see grace, who's planning to come to venice to get her belly button pierced.

I'm going back and forth on when to have the artshow. saw pesha at the coffeeshop this morning and she suggested that I just have two shows, one early with just paintings, and then one later with writing. that's a good thought, the other possibility is to just shelf the writing idea, because I don't know that I could get it together in time___ having the paintings ready is no problem, although I'm thinking about adding some more pieces, started one today, and worked on several others___ they're coming together well, but I'm already looking forward to the next group... cinci after guatemala? seems like a good idea.
hopi finally ate a little food, the apartments starting to stink though, I took the lid off the litterbox to clean it and now everything smells like cat___ it was only off for a minute or three, but that was enough to stink the place up. I burned some incense but that didn't help. called kate, but didn't hear back from her. emailed susan and she wrote right back, still in utah, heads to hawaii friday, sounds like it hasn't been easy. hopi really is a sweet kitty, but I really hope she leaves soon.
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