This morning I was kinda intimidated waking up and considering the coffeeshop. I was a bit confused as I first woke up, for awhile was thinking I wasn't allowed to open my eyes, but as I attained consciouness, I remembered that it was talking I couldn't do, but opening my eyes was ok. that was a big step towards waking up.
while I was still in bed with my eyes closed I had pretty much convinced myself to skip the coffeeshop this morning. it wasn't the non-talking thing I was dreading, it was the awkwardness of the situation... having to explain through handing out cards and fearing being misunderstood or unfairly judged___ or fairly judged maybe. but once up and out of bed, I was ready to go and determined to bravely face the unknown.
As it turned out it was easy. paul was working and was busy, said good morning to me, but was fine with a smile and a nod and never noticed my silence. the place was crowded, so I set my cup down at peter's table, but handed him one of my explanatory cards which he accepted and approved of___ he thinks I'm a touch strange as it is, but I know he likes that about me so it's ok. cosmo was sitting at the next table and had no problems with it either.
I mostly just read the paper and occasionally either peter or I would point out a news article to each other, but that was it. he showed me an article that had a graph comparing the relative levels of self-described happiness in various countries categorized by GNP. I showed him an article about the military upping it's allowance for admitting recruits with low test scores. the important thing is that it went smoothly and he was able to twice anticipate what my response would be, so that I didn't need to write it down.
after the coffeeshop I came home and worked awhile on the website. then up to the office, still haven't done that stuff for emily or written harold. came home again. painted. went up to the beach___ on the way there, ran into harold (the other one__ not my grandfather). walked down to the beach with him. he laughed good naturedly about my no speak week when I handed him a card, but played along with it and we had a nice walk. he didn't want to go on the sand though, so we parted at beach-edge.
read detective stories on the beach, went swimming. loud kids flying kites, I think maybe schools were closed for rosh hashanah, had seen shane(sp?), emily's friend, at the coffeeshop this morning, and then the kids at the beach seemed highschoolish___ anyway, I enjoyed silently allowing their intrusion into my space. went for a swim, the waves were great and non-stop.
came home, painted, ate, worked on website. aliza had called during her lunchbreak to thank me for fixing her gate and check on chris' phone #___ she sounded much more supportive about the no speak thing, but still didn't sound like she was really getting it__ but it was good that get it or not she was accepting. I emailed her with chris' current #, which I'd forwarded to her lastnight already, but better safe than sorry. in the email I explained my no speak plan again, so I hope she understands now. got a message from michelle, just checking in and to remind me that her dad was around and so she wouldn't be__ I appreciated her checking in despite my non talking thing. I had planned to go draw with tim this evening at the ywca, he had a commitment from 5 til 6 and was going to pick me up around 6:30, but he didn't show up. my guess is that his thing at 5 started late and went long. after waiting for him and watching jeopardy on tv, I took my computer over to the coffeeshop and finished doing the photo subsection mainpages. now I just need to make the pages, which I think I can do quickly tomorrow. was going to do it tonight, but dov stopped over and I hung out with him. he was great at being non-speaking with, took to it like a pro.
we drank wine, he talked. I wrote a few things in my notebook, but not much. we looked online for naked photos of helena bonham carter__ that was fun.
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