lucy called at one point as she was driving across the golden gate bridge out to wherever it is that she goes to meet with the magazine lady, they were having quark issues which she was explaining to me, but paying too much attention to the phone and not enough to the route and ended up getting off at the wrong place, so we hung up and I came back inside because I had gone outside so I could hear. the party continued, denise called at one point, sara's ipod has broken and she was aking me to buy one here and ship it there because they're more expensive in the UK. the party kept continuing, at some point I switched over to beers, there were more people there, we all talked and drank. eventually everybody left except me, aliza and chris. we decided to go to the beer garden on westminster. we walked chris as far as his house and then were gonna go meet him on westminster, but when we got there, they were closing down. so we walked over to aliza's so she could get warmer clothes. eventually we wound up back at my place, ran into chris on the way, he was meeting three italian girls somewhere, but said he'd bring them over. we all sat around my place for awhile, aliza's and rachel's friend jenny showed up. we all went upstarirs where those guys were barbecuing. sat around drank beers, I mostly talked with jenny, who I've known for quite awhile, but really hadn't talked much to. eventually, kinda drunk, we all left. I ate a bit and then fell asleep.
woke up early, inda disoriented, didn't really know what I was doing, hadn't made any plans beyond the party. watched a movie, thinking it might put me back to sleep, it was maybe 6am or so. after the movie, I went over to the coffeeshop and read the paper, thinking that that somehow would lead me into the day, which it kinda did. I went up to the shop to check to see if denise had enough money up there for the ipod; she didn't. then I couldn't decide whether I should ride to santa monica to buy it or just order it off the web, which seems easier, but not what denise asked for, because of course she could do that from there, but I don't think she really knows how.... hmmm, so I got stuck, but one way or another I should get one for her tomorrow___ pay with my credit card and then write a check from the shop account, although I'm not too certain how much is in there... enough for that anyway, but I don't know how much we'll eventually need, deal with that later I guess.
came back here and painted. kinda screwed myself out of getting much computer stuff done. was running various spyware scans, comparing programs, seeing what caught more, etc... seems like of the free ones ad-aware is the way to go. ian and rachel stopped over for a really nice unexpected visit, ian's dad's in town for a few days and had taken ava to the park which freed ian and rachel up to have their first restaurant lunch by themselves since ava was born (april 18th, same as liz).
had a nice conversation with susan on the phone this morning and then she called to see if I wanted to get some dinner around four, but I'd just eaten so we went for coffee and had a good time, it's nice having her back, I've really been appreciating her lately.
got home, called aliza but she didn't answer, called michelle but she didn't answer, went to the library, got a couple movies, was feeeling kinda lonely, which is silly... but true. got back from library, michelle had called, called her back, she didn't answer again. then I started typing this, and then she called back... we talked for an hour or so and now I'm finishing up.
the drawing I'm posting with this is one of the smaller ones I got ready for the web the other day, but with all the cleaning, etc. for the party I still haven't put them up on the site and my 30 day trial of golive cs expires today, so I've got to load golive 6 on this computer and start using that again.
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