after coffee, I finished the group of drawings I shot the other day and so today I plan on getting them posted, that shouldn't take to long.
I went down to the beach, read for awhile, went for a swim, read awhile more, until I was dry. came home and showered. aliza called just as I got out of the shower and wanted to come over to talk. we had a good time and ended up going for pizza... well she got pizza, but I just went along, because I was thinking of maybe going to taco night later. we watched a bit of the jetblue airplane thing on the tv at the pizza place, but since the sound was turned down we had to puzzle out the problem for ourselves___ which wasn't really too hard (front landing gear stuck in down position and turned wrong way, airplane circling longbeach trying to figure out what to do).
after pizza, aliza headed off to her school open house. I went home, and I guess that's when I really finished with the drawings, and then I headed over to the coffeeshop, to see tim, because tim leaves for poland today and so I probably wouldn't see him otherwise___ so that meant that I was skipping taco night, but that was ok really (especially since it turns out michelle didn't go either). saw tim, came home, made dinner, michelle called, talked to her, ate dinner, watched a movie, aliza called, went to bed... that's it.
woke this morning with the phone ringing, stumbled around, found it in the front room on the third ring, it was my mom, had a great talk with her and my dad. they're going to my mom's 50th highschool reunion this weekend, so I'm glad they called because I was planning on calling them saturday morning and they will be gone and I would've missed them. also that works out well, because I called susan a little while ago to see if she wanted to go to breakfast today, but she has an assembly and another tomorrow, so I think we're aiming to go saturday... see how everything fits together?
it's 10am, should I go to the coffeeshop? hmmm. these are the last few hours of summer, I should definitely aim to be down on the beach for the equinox. I'll skip the coffeeshop this afternoon because tim will be at the airport by then waiting to leave or maybe even leaving, and so what's the point really... I don't go there for the coffee.
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