after talking with dom I checked email and did computer stuff for about an hour until ten and then called aliza for breakfast. we met over at westminster by the beach and had breakfast and talked and then she went off to a busy day of school openhouse preparation and photography lesson. I headed home and worked on the website, got the figure drawings up, was too distracted to remember to turn on the audiobook for the first few hours, but finally started playing it when dov stopped over because I was telling him about how cool I thought audiobooks were.
somewhere along in the middle of the afternoon, michelle called to see what was goin' on and to mention she felt like eating mexican food... it didn't really sink into me until later when I found myself hungry, that she had mentioned mexican food and that was sounding pretty good to me, and so I called her back to see if she'd already eaten and if not, where she was thinkin' of going (I was guessing don pedro's, but was hoping la cabana__ I think michelle doesn't like la cabana though), but she didn't answer. she called back a few minutes later though and told me she was on her way to check out whether a neighbor's dog had had all its shots because marcus had just gotten bit while he was out taking madddie for a walk... she also said that she'd made mexican food at home, had made lots, and I should come over and eat, but she'd call me back after the marcus/dogbite thing was sorted out. the short version is that marcus is fine and the food was good and michelle and I had fun and she's easy to talk to as always and I appreciate that about michelle... the end.
got home around 8pm and watched lord of the rings, the two towers on channel 5, which I suddenly get with pretty good reception. I was beat after my short night's sleep, but managed to stay awake and be entertained through the movie, although it was kinda heavy on action and weak on plot... but that's ok, what do I really expect anyway?
that's it for now, I had breakfast with susan this morning, but I'll write about that later.
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