well, had a laid back afternoon and evening. worked on figure drawing photos and listened to dhlawrence. never made it down to the beach, it cleared up, but stayed a little too chilly for a swim. went to the coffeeshop at five, saw tim, cosmo mike. tim leaves thursday for poland for a week. went to the library and the grocery. had cheese and avocado sandwiches for dinner. watched the education of little tree (one of dom's recommended) which I got at the library. talked to michelle, talked to aliza, each for a bit while I paused the movie. michelle had a day and a half of car related adventures, aliza's got open house tomorrow night at school. xav called and read me his english paper expressing non-material ideals... will be interesting to see whether he can hold onto those into adulthood... would be great if he could... would make me feel a sense of accomplishment.
I think I'll read for awhile and fall asleep.
looks like fall doesn't begin until thursday afternoon at 2:23pst, I was thinkin' maybe it was tomorrow, but we get one more day of summer, which'll be nice, but I'm ok with fall's arrival this year so everything is alright... aok.
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