at one point I went to the coffeeshop... oh, I did end up going back to sleep for awhile this morning, after I got the virus I ran a scan and then went back to bed. had a dream that somebody mentioned to me that their lizard had died through neglect and I suddenly remembered that I had lizards but had forgotten them and hadn't fed them for months. I walked across the room to a good-sized terrarium, expecting to see the two dead lizards, but instead they were alive and active. then I looked closer and realized that there were a lot of lizards and I thought, they must have mated. then I noticed one lizard eating another and I realized they must have survived by eating each other. then I noticed all kinds of dead skeletons and skins around the terrarium of the lizards that had been killed and eaten. then I noticed that there were several different species of lizards, some that looked like tiny dinosaurs that were trying to get out by poking there heads through a little hole in the screen covering the top of the terrarium. everything seemed very chaotic and out of control and unexplainable as to how all these different creatures had evolved from the first two neglected lizards and I felt kinda like an absent god who had created the universe and then forgotten to keep an eye on it until too late... anyway, I woke up thinking that I had to tell somebody about what had happened to my lizards, and was seriously considering trying to call either aliza or michelle before they left for work, until it gradually dawned on me that it had only been a dream and I hadn't had any lizards at all.
by that point, I was wide enough awake to realize the comuter scan must've been done so I went out to check and discovered the temp file hassle that I mentioned. anyway, it's all taken care of now. I set it to do another scan while I was at the coffeeshop, but that didn't work. I ran into chris on my way back from the coffeeshop and he was looking for a serial number for stuffit, I hunted around trying to solve that for a little while, downloading both stuffit and a keygenerator via limewire. and then finally being allowed to delete the problematic temp file, after having downloaded several other spyfighter type programs, which I ended up not even having to install, but i guess it's good to have the around for later. the culprit of this whole thing seems to be somebody trying to sell a program package called ebloc, which includes programs called spyblocs, pop-up blocs, and spamblocs, they want to sell you all this for $54.95, so as they install the intrusive virus which changes internet settings they also load shortcuts on the machine to lead you to there product to solve the problem that they made. I mention it in case spomebody happens to find this blog while searching for info about eblocs, just so you know there are plenty of free spyware removal programs out there. go here for a good list, don't get overwhelmed by the tech talk, just scroll down and look for the programs and try them until one works for you, probably the first will work.
enough of that little rant. it looks like it's clearing up, maybe I'll get a swim in yet. I guess the day's lost worktime will get made up by skipping drawing tonight (tim's got plans), although that means I'm skipping drawing... but that's ok, I spose.
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