went to the coffeeshop, talked with mike; music, art, u.s. healthcare system, all the usual. we were both in accord, which made for a satisfying if unconstructive conversation. he's a good guy, that mike.
came home and added links from the 2000 drawing pages back to the 2000 drawing mainpage, which I noticed were lacking and otherwise viewers would have to go to the 2000 mainpage and then the drawing page or use browser back button, but neither of those methods seemed friendly enough. the real project was to add a shaded background to the table that houses the image because the images are on a white background and so the paper shape wasn't showing... it looks better now I think. check it out here. anyway, addding the link was one of those, well, as long as I'm here kinda projects and I'm glad I did it, although at some point I need to go back and add descriptions and comments... pretty much everywhere.
went to the beach, fall arrived, came home, went to the library, took a shower, painted, susan called, started this, aliza called___ her computer seems to have overheated, and now I'm done. I'm gonna check online and see if I can figure out why aliza's computer did what it did, 'cause it doesn't seem like it should've.
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