went to breakfast with susan. had granola and a banana, not really a bargain anymore at the hot, which of course is no longer called the hot, but is now benice, with new menus and everything. I think if susan was sticking around instead of heading back to hawaii I'd try to switch her over to an acai bowl on westminster. that's good food and the price is right.
after breakfast I had a message from michelle saying she was over at the coffeeshop, so I went over there and had coffee with her and tad and luigi and julien. michelle's gonna fix dinner tonight, originally just me, her and aliza, but it's expanded into quite a dinner party with julien, chris and john and maybe still tad, she hadn't heard back from him when I just spoke with her. I'm gonna go over to aliza's around 6:45 and then head over from there.
I rode up to rite-aid and bought wine for tonight and beer for tomorrow, I need to get more beer, but I could only carry one 12-pack and the bottle of wine in my bike basket, so I guess I'll go back in the morning for more. I got a collage from dom in the mail, which I think is done, I'll send her another on monday, I think I have a few from the beginning of the summer, I need to look at those. still haven't printed emily's things or written harold. some day soon.
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