after I returned from doing the gotta have it paperwork, I finished transcribing the writings from the little leather sketchbook from 2003. I'm glad I did it there's some good stuff in there. I scanned some of the drawings about this time two years ago before the book was even filled, I included them in a poetry anthology I gave to aliza for her birthday, which will come again tomorrow, so I know it was this time of year 2003 when I last scanned stuff from there. but there're a lot that still need to be scanned and they're well worn I fear, from having spent a lot of time in my back pocket. I liked having that book in my pocket, it was mighty convenient, although just having paper and notecards works pretty well too.
I think that took up most of the afternoon. I went to the coffeeshop about quarter after five, hung out with tim and mike. came home and got sidetracked choosing songs for aliza's party cd, which became aliza's five party cds; two dance, a rock, a punk, and an otherstuff. she called while I was working on it and we talked for awhile.
didn't talk with michelle, called and left a message, but remembered as it was ringing that she was hosting a monday night football gathering at the place in west hollywood___ it has a 60" tv. susan called while I was on the phone with aliza, but by the time I got the messsage and called back, she wasn't answering. I've got to do something about hopi___ she really is sweet and will make somebody a nice kitty. just not me.
I watched a movie and finished stitching aliza's birthday book. I'm gluing it now. I've got to mail my visa bill, it's only seven dollars, but I forgot about it and it was due yesterday, if they charge me a late fee I'm gonna be irritated.
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