I left off sunday morning I think, and from there/then I went with aliza to trader joe's. she called because she knew I had michelle's car and wanted to know if I'd take her shopping. she was feeling better, but still under the weather and always prefers to ride rather than drive. after trader joe's we stopped off at her place to drop off groceries and then couldn't get michelle's car to start back up due to the starter problems she seems to be having___ it'll start if it's been sitting for awhile, but it seems unwilling to do so if it's only been turned off for a few minutes and the engine's still warm. I don't know enough about these things to understand why, but it seems like a new starter is called for. aliza's housemate, mark helped push it into a parking space on the street (it had been in the driveway... or halfway in anyway), and we took aliza's car to finish out the errands at staples and the aveda store.
that took most of the day. got home around five maybe, musta done something for a little while, but went over to the coffeeshop maybe around 5:30___ maybe I went straight away after getting home, I'm not sure. after the coffeeshop, ali (I learned that's how she spells her name) came over for an illustrator lesson.
went to pick michelle up from the airport at 11:15, but her flight was delayed and ended up circling for close to an hour. finally she arrived and was glad to be home and I was glad she'd made it. I was about to give up and head home... it's one of those times when I suppose I really ought to have a cell phone, because there was no way for her to let me know what was going on. anyway it all worked out in the end.
monday was rainy, which was kinda starting to bug me, it's been gray and damp weather for a week and a half and I haven't gotten much painting done. I was productive though and made good progress on getting the graphpaper sketchbook and the leather sketchbook scans webready. while I was working on those I listened to the moon and six pence, which I'd downloaded from the library___ I'm finding the audiobooks work better if I'm listening to something I've already read.
went to the coffeeshop around five, hung out with tim and mike, back home by six, ali had called from the costume shop for opinions/wants/advice, but by the time I called back, had left___ although she bought me a telescope, that she'll maybe bring by tomorrow (weds.) to show me__ tonight is figure drawing, I think___ unless tim has a conflict. had email messages after the coffeeshop; from terrell enthusiastically confirming the last weekend in january for my art show, and susan having found a possible home for hopi___ both of those, very good news!
called michelle, spoke briefly but she needed to call back. aliza called awhile later and invited me over to proofread her project proposal and give her some photoshop help. she made a fire and hot chocolate and we had a pleasant time. got home, talked to michelle, ate dinner, went to bed... that's pretty much it.
this morning, I went to the coffeeshop, read the paper___rosa parks died, they want to execute tookie williams, there's a new lincoln biography out, they need tents for the winter in pakistan for earthquake survivors, a usc student is in jail for killing her newborn.
the sun came out while I was at the coffeeshop, so maybe I can paint a bit today.
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