I talked to all the usual people___ michelle and aliza and tim, I guess that means. tim was mugged two evenings ago over by cabrillo and windward, three guys pulled guns on him__ very scary. luckily he got his wallet back___ a customer at strohs found it, told mike, who told tim, but he'd already cancelled the credit cards. he got his drivers' license back though and that's the lucky thing because that can be a hassle. also, he magically found a twenty dollar bill on the ground as he walked over to the coffeeshop yesterday afternoon, so that was almost a complete return of his losses.
lucy got held up with meetings again, so didn't make it by like she'd (and I'd) hoped, but will apparently be down more because of the freelance work she's getting. I called ali to see if she wanted to go for a drink, but no answer... oh well. michelle's car might just need a new battery, which would be great___ cheaper and easier than alternator or starter. aliza's car sounds kaput though and she's examining her options, but called for bus route info last night.
I've spent the morning downloading research stuff regarding eve, and will now go vote and then try to read through that. tonight's figure drawing I think, I hope the model is a woman. and poses like eve.
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