woke up this morning with thoughts about eve... about what the questions are. I go back and forth on whether to even impose questions or leave it up to the viewer as an open concept. it's impossible not to ask though... it's kind of a game. the first question is from the poem that sarted it all, so that's kinda set. hmmm. I'll finish this later. aliza just called and I'm gonna go over there.
back from that, now where was I? tell me eve, what are good and evil and do they even exist? I like to think that good does... but I don't really believe in evil. I really haven't seen it. the view that I formed a number of years ago was that all that exists is good (beautiful) and that evil (ugliness) is simply good misunderstood. that's the best I've got on that, and it seems to work pretty well, as long as I remember it, but sometimes it's easy to forget and the next thing you know you've forgotten to love (see the beauty, you know) hmmmm.
we're all connected. we're all interconnected. goodness.
thursday's thing at kimmi's was fun. spent most of the time hanging out with grace and ashly, but talked with everybody at least a bit. I felt very loved. I think I stayed in on friday night, oh that's right I did. I called ali and aliza, but neither answered. aliza called me from the bar to see if I wanted to come up, but I guess it musta been while I was out getting some food. I watched mr and mrs smith on dvd, it was ok, but not all that great... mostly just a shoot 'em up, not much of a story. saturday I had coffee in the afternoon with aliza and then I went to pesha's party. that was fun. talked with maggie, anya, helen, ian and rachel, robin, dov and others. michelle's in denver, but we've been keeping in pretty close touch over the phone. went to breakfast with aliza and chris on sunday morning at the 50's cafe and then just back home. watched a movie and worked on tim's birthday present. talked with aliza, ali and michelle on the phone.
woke up early this morning. michelle called around 7:30, I'd already been up for a couple hours. so had she I think, but she's on mountain time. she'd gotten into a fight with her mom, but I'm sure it'll all work out.
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