Slipped well last night. Look up around 730 this morning. Once the coffee shop and read the paper. Are at this is too hard scientists can start talking to myself and seeing what happens and tried out my new voice recognition software and that I talk it types. Read the paper this morning and along west of the normal sorts articles about people dying in Iraq and the dishonesty of this administration there was an article of about two a new religion called universal the summer something like that in the skies here surprisingly enough is in for box which sounds to me like the main character from its shares that the galaxy roses and Fort Sumter a in a starter religion based on uncertainty on the fact we can know nothing the clever headlines the article was doubts is there co-pilot the religious soul sounds and a silly because the course you can't base of belief system on the idea that you can't believe in a five nevertheless the article did point out the fact or draw attention to the fact that people are aching for a believable religion people are aching for a new religion the old religion's organized religions but we have are dissatisfied him.
I think this is can't take little practice before the voice recognition software to update I blockhouse. It does make for some kind of interesting typos the law. A spent most of the day practicing with my voice recognition software reading pocket notes into word had in the program works surprisingly well-heeled. Attended this morning the painting is going very very well and I'm very happy with it. Bass 91 with 10 to go figure drawn against the road after that in this morning and started a new painting and close to finishing at a guess I have about four ago and that it's just touching up the ones are almost done the wrong ready hang on a wall some. Yesterday's one of about headsets I have a microphone for my laptop and today I downloaded the programs of the can open the I S self file for the speech recognition software and I downloaded some time ago. I really didn't think would work as well as it did. Although if your reading this bond edited, which I might post, you might think it doesn't work all that will all. But it's more meat and the program is sank I just need to really focus on speaking clearly, and remembering to voiced punctuation.
I went to the coffee shop at five. Son Dylan and talk to have, and need to remember to check out his short films on his web sites. Tim Kane, I and that's always good to see happen. I mostly caught up with Dylan though, while 10 talked of Cosmo. Tomorrow, and need to remember, to go over and borrow a crescent wrench, so I can raise my handlebars and seat.
Phone message from the shell when I got back from the coffee shop, wanting to go to talk tonight at dawn antennas. We went I had to been tacos, and shoe bohemia beers. We listened to secure on the drive home. I had called my brother to M, before we went to dinner. And when I got home I have a message from him and a message from Lisa. I call the leasing back, but it seemed too late to call to end in Ohio. Then I read morein sheer the voice recognition program. O Les I have answered for fallen the did send an e-mail and sounded upsets, so I called her back and look for a because she was asleep. I felt bad but they should get back to sleep immediately because she seemed pretty out of it. Is that understood that sentence pretty well.
That's enough for tonight. To are all practiced speaking clearly. Let's try that again. Tomorrow, I'll practice speaking clearly-yes, good job show (Joe-yes course parentheses-) that's better!
Good night.
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