I didn't even notice the gashlike cut on the top of my foot, until several minutes after I had walked my broken bike home, from the corner where the drunk rastafarian ran into me. It kinda stings now, but it's probably not so bad... nothing a little triple antibiotic ointment wont take care of, but it does sting now. I have to admit, my brakes aren't in great shape, but I'm not certain I could've avoided this guy no matter what evasive measures I'd taken. I was slowing down to cross on andalusia at cabrillo and he was turning left from cabrillo onto andalusia. he had cut the corner and wound up on my side of the street, saw me coming and when I tried to swerve to go around him, he just ran headlong into me... I guess we both swerved the same way. his bike is fine, actually I don't know whose bike it was, he said it was the first time he'd ridden one, which if so, was pretty impressive, because even though he wasn't doing a great job, it was pretty good for a first timer, especially a drunk one at that... and when he said he was "drunk," I think he meant, "drunk and stoned." it coulda been a lot worse, but I really wanted that bike to last me until I left for guatemala. now i don't know whether I should do without, buy a used bike, buy a new bike, just borrow a bike... I dunno. I'll sleep on it. I wrote my name and number on one of his rolling papers and he promised to call, and he probably will, but the bike really isn't worth getting fixed... on the other hand... actually, I don't know where the other hand is, let alone what's on it.
so, I was riding home from michelle's when all that happened. everybody in my world has tomorrow off because they're all school teachers and it's veterans' day. I can't believe we live in a world with wars and revered soldiers who fought and died for stuff... it's all somebody else's brand of insanity... I mean you go someplace and kill other people or they come and kill you, and it's about some idea or government... I don't mean to be flippant, or maybe I do, but violence is a stupid way to solve a conflict, and that's all there is to it... if you ask me, well i guess you didn't, so even if you don't ask me, that's what I think. I shoulda kicked that rastafarian guy's ass (just kiddin', you know). happy veterans' day eve everybody. I liked it better when it was called armistice day.
been reading a lot about adam and eve, been transcribing pocket notes___ so pretty much most of my efforts have wound up in the ramblings section of my site, check it out if you like.
it's been raining, so I haven't gotten much painting done, I think it's gonna clear up tomorrow.
I'm tired... and I'm sad about my bike. gonna go to bed i guess, don't even feel like masturbating, just read a bit and go to sleep... strange that wrecking my bike has that affect on me... some strange vehicular emasculation I guess...
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