It's a slightly european memory, connected oddly with figueras or maybe florence___ odd because security and assuredness hardly seem like feelings I experienced there, but maybe I'm wrong. I connect it with madrid and in the US with, eugene oregon, despite the fact that I know I was terribly lonely when there... and even that last winter in omaha.
it's also a childhood memory and I feel sure it has its roots somehow in family christmas mornings, and summer vacations with my grandparents in upstate new york.
it's a somerset maughm feeling and sherlock holmes___ edwardian literature of a world before world war... not that war hadn't been atrocious before, just that the less mechanized world had seemed simpler and safer. it's the feeling I sometimes have when I reread old favorite novels.
it's a sunday morning listening to hippy music feeling. it's a college friend feeling from those days so long ago when it was unimaginable that a friendship could ever end, or even fade away.
I remember that feeling and I crave that feeling today, but it seems so out of reach... and I wonder if it only exists in memory...
I remember my grandfather teaching me to cup my hands so I could drink rusty water out of the green iron pump along the path up bear mountain.
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