Sunday, November 13, 2005

anya wasn't in seattle afterall, and so for a little while there friday afternoon it looked like she'd go to terrell's with me, but it depended on prior plans she had with helent o do something. in the end, it turned out that helen had her heart set on seeing a movie, so I was outta luck. anya offered me her car, if I wanted to go on my own, which was very considerate, but I didn't want to do that. then a little while later michelle called and offered me her car, which was considerate of her, but again, not what I wanted. then ten minutes after I got off the phone with michelle, aliza called to say I could use the rental car to go to terrell's, and at that point it was not only considerate, but laughable... I felt very loved that three friends were calling to offer me cars, but at the same time, I'd lost interest in going to the opening, if nobody was going with me.

I stayed here and did computer stuff. the phone rang around 9:30, it was aliza, she'd taken a nap before going out and slept too long and cancelled her plans. she was eating oatmeal in bed. we talked for a long time (hour and a half?) it was nice. while she and I were talking, chris called from terrell's wondering where I was, but I didn't notice that message until the following morning.

saturday morning, aliza called while I was still in bed. we decided to go to topanga for breakfast at pat's grill and then go for a hike. it was a nice day. got home from that and had three messages from michelle, the first wondering where I was, the next two telling me about yardsale bikes. I went over to a yardsale by rose and walgrove and bought a $20 bike. it's not great, but it'll get me through the next few months or until something better turns up.

While aliza and I were out yesterday, I bought some cat scent deoderizer for my couch. it seems to be working, but requires multiple treatments, it might be a several-day project. I stayed home again last night____ just not really in to going out it seemed. tonight, I might go and see a movie with anya, don't know if aliza and I are on for breakfast today or not, I'll give her 'til ten to sleep or call, and then try her.


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