terrell's was good, small crowd but aliza and I found people to talk with. spoke with rafe (ralph? raef?) who I know from the coffeeshop, I thought he gave me his email, address, but I just looked for it and now I think I remember that I gave him mine instead. he seems like a good guy, I think he used to date shana, if I understood what he said. Terrell asked me to help him with his website, so I've been working on that a bit. aliza and I got home pretty early, 11:30ish maybe.
sunday, went to coffee with michelle because aliza and I weren't doing our sunday thing because she was going to moca with her friend ben, whom I'm pretty sure I met at the abbot kinney thing. it was a beautiful day and so I went down to the beach for a couple hours and finished reading the peter matthiessen book, the snow leopard, I think I'll send it off to my sister___ I ought to do that today.
monday, started work on terrell's site. worked on adding the pocket notes to my site. painted, which continues well. coffeeshop in the afternoon__ I went in the morning also. had lunch at leaf, a raw restaurant, with aliza and cameron. aliza's new car smells good. I had what they called a bedouin burrit, it was pretty good. I liked it more than raw foods daily.
tuesday, I woke up with the memory of a lovely dream of college town bicycle ridng___ oversized silly bicycle helmet, felt understood and appreciated by my peers... hmmm, sometimes I feel disconnected from the people i'm surrounded by and it's hard to tell whether it's me or them....
the rest of the day was more webwork. I uploaded the rest of the notes to my site. I optimized more of terrell's pictures for his site. I listened to frankl's man's search for meaning while working on terrell's stuff, had downloaded it from the library. went to figure drawing at the YWCA, the model was really good___ very sturdy but curvy asian who handled her body well, I really liked the poses.
this morning aliza woke me up with a phonecall from outside, I was half awake, but only half. she wanted to write me a check for the rental car and go to the coffeeshop before work, and that was all alright with me. I think we're gonna watch rivers and tides this afternoon___ I'll ride up to vidiots after awhile and rent it.
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