just finished a beer. after I type this, I'll take a shower and maybe have another... heck, you'r only young once, you know.
despite the previous post, which might give you a negative impression of my new voice to text software, I think it works great. it does require some editing and I have to speak slowly and clearly, but it's still a lot faster than I can type (which might not say much). the thing that it's really useful for is transcription, because I can type away pretty quickly with my two fingers when I'm typing out of my head, like I am now, but when I'm typing something that I've already written, man that takes awhile because I'm always losing my place__ you know? so anyway, the seemingly insurmountable job of digitizing the notes from the past few (four?) years is finished... and that's in just a few days. I think it would've taken weeks without the new software, so I'm pretty happy about it. I haven't added them to the website yet, but I will within the next couple days.
so, by way of brief recap, thursday evening ali came over and we talked, drank wine made collages, it was fun. friday evening michelle came over and had a few drinks while we waited for aliza to come and we were all going to go to chris's party, but michelle ended up skipping it because she had an early class. aliza and I had fun and after the party we went over to tim's for a final beer and to give aliza a chance to see his house and tim's new fluxus book which he's pretty glad to have.
my phone was out yesterday for an enexplained reason, but back on by late last night. got an email yesterday afternoon from liz saying mom was worried because she couldn't get ahold of me. having the phone out of order also made arrangements for last night kinda complicated, but email worked. I sent word through liz that I was fine and then called and spoke with mom this morning. she was concerned because usually she can leave a message at gotta have it, but I'm not there much anymore so that doesn't work. now she has phone numbers for most of my friends, in case of an emergency.
so, talked with mom first thing this morning, then talked with michelle and then susan, I think I was on the phone for most of the first three hours I was awake. then aliza called and we went to breakfast and then over to her place for awhile. I got back home around 1:30 and painted and did computer stuff all afternoon. took a break to go over to chris's to drop off cd's for him to burn portuguese language lessons for michelle on. since then I've been back here. michelle just called while I was halfway through this... we talked about old friends from back home and old relationships and recovery from them... it was a good conversation.
now I'll take that shower.
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