ok, I just checked (to see where I left off, you know) and on wednesday I did go to vidiots and rent rivers and tides and I did go and watch it with aliza, although she was also doing some packing, loose end tying, and showering, so she missed some of it, but I liked it (as did she)and was intrigued by the very different (from me) approach to art and the recurring theme of ephemerality in his (goldsworthy's) work. It was well shot visually and I think a lot of credit for the film's success goes to the cameraperson.
thursday was thanksgiving, I laid low, took it easy, painted and worked a bit, but mostly relaxed. it felt very holiday-like and comfortably solitary. I read in bed quite a bit and that felt like the height of decadence. I tried to figure out whether I would've felt lonely had I not had places to go if I wished, but it was hard to tell. I suppose I would've, but having options, I didn't. Ashly had called wednesday night and we had a good long talk, she was calling to extend a last minute invitation to go out to the valley for thanksgiving dinner, which was unimaginably thoughtful and warm, but I had already planned to go to tim's. michelle had also invited me to the dinner she was going to at marilyn's, but tim's seemed like the way to go and I think I chose well. I went over there around 5:30. had enjoyable conversations; first with anya's boyfriend jay, about art, and then with ian's stepmom mary about politics__ she's a professor of either political or economic history, I forget which, but pretty much on top of things. ian and rachel were in buffalo, pesha was in salt lake city (I think) so it was kind of a smallish crowd. tim's mom, stella was there as was sandy, who I think is his aunt, but might be just a family friend who's like an aunt (I think that's it)__ 90 something and lively despite having a broken femur within the past few months... her som tom(my) and his girlfriend who is very nice, but I can never remember her name. oh, and dov and somebody, who I'm pretty sure might be the gas station girl, no way to ask that one... although I guess if given the chance I coulda said, "so... how did you two meet?"
it's an interesting group, tim's mom quotes howard zinn and everybody has considered opinions that they express well. the group is pretty much of one mind politically, so the conversation was tame, although on other evenings the debate has become heated, I think with the slightly extended and trans-generational holiday crowd people were a bit more careful with remarks than usual, although maybe not... I don't really know that any arguments were avoided, I don't think I held my tongue, but I didn't feel the need to either.
friday, I went to the moca with michelle and saw the ecstasy exhibit, which I wasn't expecting much from and so, wasn't disappointed. it was pretty mediocre and held the doubtful distinction of being the first show I can think of that had a catalog that was quite a lot better than the exhibit. generally I would expect the catalog to simply support the show, maybe elaborate and mostly just remind, but this show was really not too good, but the book looked very comprehensive and attractively designed. I just glanced through it in the gift shop after walking through the exhibit, but that was my impression. either way, the show was not impressive... some neat things at best, but nothing inspiring. also saw a comic book show; some r. crumb and 1960's and 70's marvel comic book superhero stuff, that was interesting more in a historical way than as art, although some of the r. crumb stuff was impressive__ particularly his biography of charlie patton.
after the museum (oh, while I'm thinking of it, I also liked some little copper-plate etchings by a woman named, Jennifer Bornstein) we went for mexican food on olvera street. that was kinda mediocre too, but it was my first experience of a chimichanga style burrito, so that was somethin'. all told, our adventure into downtown was kinda lame, but we had fun and it was an adventure and it's good to be able to say that I do get out of venice every once in awhile, so I sound as if I'm speaking from experience when I say that I don't feeel like going east of lincoln if I can help it... or at least that if I'm gonna go east of lincoln, I want to go all the way.
geeez louise, that's only up through friday afternoon, I've really got to get back into the swing with these updates. friday night - stayed in, can't remember... watched a movie or read a book, I don't know. saturday - the usual thing all day, painted computered, read... emailed with aliza, in connecticut, which I liked because I think that means we can stay pretty active when I'm in guatemala, at least if I can find a connection, talked with michelle of course... we're on the five or six phonecall a day plan I think, I like it. planned to eat nachos and watch a movie, but ended up going over to ali's and drinking wine and watching buffy the vampire slayer while she made curtains to hide her bed. yesterday was sunday, worked on translating sketchbook drawings into black and white graphics (see above) but then got a critical email from aliza after sending er a sample and I think she might have convinced me to not pursue that route... it was fairly time consuming to do and if she didn't think it worked, then others would probably agree... myself included. I would like to find a solution to this though. she, offered the suggestion of a projected slideshow sort of thing... it's worth considering. went to dinner at michelle's last night__ red lentil soup, very good.
slept fitfully, scrawled some eve insights down on an index card next to the bed, I should go read that and see what it says. gotta brush my teeth too. sitting in fron of the heater all day, which is where I've got this computer usually, is drying me out, giving me dandruff and a sore throat. hmmmm.